Designing Spaces for Users with Special Needs

Architectural Design
Community Engagement Grants 2014 (Curriculum-Based) (2014)

Team Leader : Paramita Atmodiwirjo

Team Member :

, , Arif Rahman Wahid, Noor Fajrina F. Istiani, M. Mirza Harahap, Faris De Indonesia

This program attempts to develop the awareness on the needs to design architectural spaces for users with special needs. This program is curriculum-based, which was conducted in relation to the development of an elective course for undergraduate architecture students “Anatomy of Space for the Users”. The course was developed to promote the students’ awareness of the spatial needs for special needs users. In this program, the students work closely with a special needs school, from which the students learn various spatial issues for users with different kinds of disability. The understanding of these spatial issues further became the basis for developing design ideas for spaces and spatial elements that could accommodate the needs of the users with special needs.