Paramita Atmodiwirjo

Professor of Architecture

Ph.D (Sheffield) M.Arch (Sheffield) ST(UI)
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Paramita Atmodiwirjo teaches architecture at the Universitas Indonesia since 1998. She obtained a PhD in Architecture at the University of Sheffield. Previously she studied for her first degree at the Universitas Indonesia and Master of Architectural Studies at the University of Sheffield. Her research interests are on the relationship between architecture, interior and the users’ behavior, and how such relationship should be the basis for designing for the users’ well-being. She is particularly focuses on the importance of human body in our understanding of architecture and interior, and the needs to pay attention to users with special needs including children, elderly, diffable people and patients in healthcare setting. She is also active in developing learning methods for architectural education, to promote students’ creativity and awareness of the relationship between users and space. She also works closely with schools and communities in various community engagement projects to improve the quality of spaces for learning and living. She has also been involved in the development of national standards for educational facilities with the Board of National Standard of Education (BSNP). She has been awarded Holcim Awards Asia Pacific 2011, Teaching Excellence Award 2014 from Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, IAI Jakarta Award 2012 and Community Engagement Award from Universitas Indonesia in 2010 and 2011. She is the member of scientific committee for Asian Journal of Environment-Behavior Studies (ajE-Bs), and the secretary for International Association For Lifewide Learning (IAFLL).