Ova Candra Dewi


Dr.-Ing (TUHH) M.Sc (TU Berlin) ST (UI)
email : ova.candra@gmail.com

Main interest: architecture and sustainibility, ecology, andWASH (water supply, sanitation and hygiene)



Selected Publication

Candra Dewi, O., 2013, A Decision Support Model For Waste Management in Support of Developing Low Carbon, Eco Region, Hamburg University of Technology, ISBN 9783942768108SWI

2015, “Baseline Survey for Waste to Energy Pilot in Malang City, Malang Regency, Jambi City and Probolinggo City, UCLG-ASPAC-UNESCAP, July 2015 (report, co-author, total of 4 reports)

Dewi, O.C., Alrasyid, H., Salam, R., Priyandana, D., and Rohmadi, M.T. 2015. “Integrated Community Based Management Toward a Low Carbon Eco City in Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia. In Rosenzweig, C., et al. 2015. “ ARC 3.2 Summary for City Leaders. Urban Climate Change Research Network. Columbia, University, New York.

Candra Dewi, O et al. Revitalization of 4 Green Open Spaces (RTH) in 4 locations in Bogor Regency, ASEAN Journal of Community Engangement, Vo. 1 No.1, ISSN: 2580-9563, 2017

Candra Dewi, O., I Chairunnisa, T Hidayat, M Anggraini, A Napitupulu, Green Open Space: Awareness for Health of Sustainability?, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing Ltd., 2017

OC Dewi, E Ellisa, Aisyah, I Chairunnisa, and E Asyera (2018) Reducing Environmental Degradation in Kampung Nambo, by Cutting the Critical Contamination Points. The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrstructure. 30th-31rd October 2018, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia.

OC Dewi, AD Ismoyo, CS Saskia, IF Ridzqo, and R Felly (2018) Multifunction Wastewater Treatment Plant as Educational and Recreational Parks for the Community. The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure. 30th-31rd October 2018, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia.

OC Dewi, TU Atmoko, HA Alrasyid, D. Priyandana, MBV Dewi, D Siska (2019). Tackling Environmental Pollution Through Participatory Approach in Nambo, South Tangerang. Indonesia. Teh 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science, 26-19 January 2019. Seoul, Korea