UI Wins Second Place in National Design Competition “SAYEMBARA LABORATORIUM LALU LINTAS KOTA MAKASSAR”


Three University of Indonesia alumnis ; Alfajri Rahmatullah, Albertus Bobby W, M. Ridho Zul Ikhwan, Reza Kahvi (architecture batch 2010) had won second place in the prestigious nation-wide competition on July 2015. The competition is organized by the Makassar local government in collaboration with Association of Indonesian Architects in West Sulawesi (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan) and Association of Professional Designers in West Sulawesi (Ikatan Ahli Perencana Sulawesi Selatan). As Indonesia was ranked fifth in countries with the biggest traffic accidents, the event is made in search of innovative ideas for a city park specifically designed to educate users (kids, adolescents or adults) the proper trafic rules and regulations. The design proposed by the UI team, entitled “Berkendara, dari laut aku ke darat” is honored second place by professional judges in the competition.