The National Contest of AARA 2015 in Indonesia was carried out in two stages. There are 53 participants from eight universities in Indonesia: Universitas Brawijaya, Malang; Universitas Petra, Surabaya; Institute Teknologi Bandung, Bandung; Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak; Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya; Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan; Universitas Soegijapranata, Semarang; and Universitas Indonesia, Depok.
The first stage of the contest was judged by five local jurors, Mr. Endy Subijono from Wastu Adi Olah Rupa, Mr. Pris Marzuki from PTI Architects, Mr. Tateng Kurniahadi Djajasudarma from Wiratman & Associates, Mr. Teguh Utomo Atmoko from Univ. Indonesia, and Mr. Yusuf Setiadi from Airmas Asri.
The Ten best contestants announced in August 5th 2015 are: Ms. Anggraeni Pratomo Putri from UI, Ms. Bertha Karyahastana from Petra, Ms. Citra Auliyaputri Wallad from UI, Ms. Dyah Arieni Larasati from ITS, Ms. Elga Priscilla from Petra, Ms. Indriani Pratiwi from UI, Ms. Jesslyn Bahtiar from Petra, Kanigara Ubaszti Putra from UI, Monica Sidarta from UI, and Ms. Tia Aprilitasari from UI.
The second stage of the contest was held in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, on August 19, 2015, selecting the best five and the winners. The jurors were Mr.Lee Joungil, Mr. Endy Subijono, Mr. Pris Marzuki, Mr. Tateng Kurniahadi Djajasudarma from Wiratman, and Mr. Teguh Utomo Atmoko, and Mr. Yusuf Setiadi.
The Five best contestants are: Ms. Anggraeni Pratomo Putri from UI, Thamrin Food X Repel Chameleon City; Ms. Elga Priscilla from Petra, Romantic Tutu; Ms. Jesslyn Bahtiar from Petra, Parkour Dance Community Center; Mr. Kanigara Ubaszti Putra from UI, Tanjung Barat Recycling Center, and Ms. Tia Aprilitasari from UI, The Bird Sanctuary.
The winner of the National Contest that will representing Indonesia in Ho Chi Minth City, Vietnam are Ms. Jesslyn Bahtiar from Petra Universitas, Surabaya, and Ms. Tia Aprilitasari from Universitas Indonesia.
It is the first time that the third year student projects from all over Indonesia were collected and judged by principle patron of some of the best architecture offices in Indonesia. They were shocked by the very big gaps of the quality of the design and presentation technique of the projects that represented in the contest. For me that for the third time organizing the selection of Indonesia representative for AARA, there is no improvement of the quality of the project. The exposure to the academic and profesional materials to the students and the lecturers, and the quality and quantity of students direct contact to architecture and broader built environment, play very important impact to their works, which has been shown on the map of the entrants and winner of the three National Contest.
Depok, 02 September 2015
Teguh Utomo Atmoko