Students of FTUI’s Architecture Department get an award on Living World Asri Home Festival “Design Award” 2016


Students of FTUI’s Architecture Department is back again with their outstanding  achievement from Living World Asri Home Festival “Design Award” 2016. Competing in particualrly Sketch Living Room Design Awad—one of the profesional and public category in the event—the two students’ work was selected as the second best sketch design in the competition.

The collaborative work of Dinda Agithawuri Widyakinanti (AI’13) and Luhur Pratikno (A’12) was one of the best living room sketc design in this competition. With a concept of “(Real)axing Living Room”, their colored perspective sketch turned out to be the second best design. The competition involved 80 other design and sketch which also took part in the competition. The perspective drawings was made from different point of view along with size, section drawing and list of materials used in their design.

Strong, well-ordered and well-structured added by a detailed explanation about their design could bring the name of UI’s Architecture in Design Award 2016 whose event concept follows the combination of art, decoration, architecture and education as well as entertainment. The assessment and marking on their work was done by a number of professionals, such as former chief of Indonesian Society of Interior Designer Francis Surjaseputera, product desainer Adhi Nugraha