13:00 - 15:00 WIB
Zoom Meeting
#WebinARS13 #BuildItGreen! #BIG! :
Architects and Planners own an essential role in reducing the environmental impacts through the integration between design and sustainable technologies, by providing changes and spreading messages to protect the nature on earth.
In this special series, six Architecture graduates from different degrees elaborate architectural knowledge through design projects and in-depth researches towards sustainable living.
Introducing, WebinARS: Build It Green! Series #13: Student Chapter II
Saturday, August 28th 2021 | 13.00-15.00 WIB
Free Registration on https://bit.ly/BIG13Registration
– Farah Augusta Pusparosa (Thesis, Bachelor of Architecture)
– Fenna Anggraningrum (Thesis, Bachelor of Architecture)
– Muhammad Kemal Haqqy (Final Project, Bachelor of Architecture)
– Muthia Hakim Hadini (Final Project, Architect Professional Program)
– Tika Ardina Hanjani (Architecture and Sustainability, Architecture Master Program)
– Baiq Lisa Wahyulina (Urban Design, Architecture Master Program)
– Tria Amalia Ningsih, S. Ars., M.Des.Innov.Tech | Interdisciplinary Designer Lecturer, and Researcher Department of Architecture FTUI
– Nisrina Dewi Salsabila, S.Ars. | Bachelor from Department of Architecture FTUI & Postgraduate Student at National University of Malaysia
– Anggie Amalia, S.Ars., M.Sc. | Principal/Independent Consultant at ScA Consultant
– Kusneri Prasetiani Ekawaty, S.Ars. | Founder, Principal Architect & Interior Designer at STUDIORK
More information:
Intan Chairunnisa (+62 81310134026)
Baskoro Laksitoadi (+62 87878944872)
Visit our instagram: @arsustain.ui
Lets #BuilditGreen! #BIG!