Archives: Doctoral Research

An Investigation of Narrative Based Design Approach Through Lighting Tectonics

Public/Private Concept of Betawi’s Waqf Mosques

The Impacts of COVID 19 Pandemic: Physical Distancing Restrictions and Public Open Space Uses in Jakarta

Physiognomy and Tropicality: The Architectural History of The Colonial State Capitals to The Post Reform Era

The Interiority of Urban Kitchen: A Quest of Micro Spatial Practices in Everydayness

Architectural Transformation of Banten Port City at 16th to 19th Century

Tectonic Dialogues of Locality Based Architectural Design

The Paradigm Shifts in Architecture Conservation Works in Indonesia

Ambivalence of Postcolonial Space: The Architectural History of Tanah Abang Market in the Power of Urban Space and Textile Trade

Food-based Architecture