JKTWS 2015 – International Joint Studio Workshop and Symposium | Water : Preassure and Challenge , Kampung Cikini

21/08/15 - 01/09/2015
Department of Architecture Universitas Indonesia, Depok


jktw ws poster

The dynamic survivability of the inhabitants of kampung expose how the crowded contiguous spaces are used and negotiated into a place to live for the majority of urban dwellers living in informal high dense urban area. Yet, there are numerous facts shown that living in overcrowding settlement is more tolerable if there is good provision for daily life supports such as piped water, electricity and functioning, safe toilets and waste water disposal.

There is not much point in expecting the virtues of dense informal settlements if these virtues depend on a competence, capacity and accountability of city and municipal governments. So, what can be done for thousands of urban dwellers facing the scarcity of domestic water for daily life as well as lack of appropriate sewage? What can we do, to avoid the deteriorating quality of well water?

As part of Joint Studio Workshop Indonesia-Japan JKTWS 2015 focused on “Kampung and water”, in this symposium we perform a wide range topics on the pressure and challenge of water. Twelve presenters from Japan, Indonesia, and Australia will address their research findings and projects vary from micro intervention practice to macro vision within the framework of Jakarta megacity.