Doctoral Program

FTUI Doctoral Program Graduates haves the capabilities of demonstrating expansion, novelty breakthrough in research in the engineering or architecture field in accordance with a certain stream or sub-stream. The National Board of Accreditation for Higher Education (BAN-PT) has awarded Architecture Doctoral Program accreditation level A.


Toward an Architecture Doctoral Program with excellence in knowledge acquisition and architectural research in accordance with specific expertise and novelty on research outcome.


To deliver excellent architectural education in developing excellent architectural knowledge and promotes meaningful application of knowledge for the society.

Graduates are expected to possess the following skill:

  • Be able to show expertise in the engineering or architecture discipline;
  • Be able to uphold the academic and research ethics;
  • Be able to work collaboratively in research;
  • Be able to position themselves as leader in their community;
  • Be able to communicate well in their community and build networks;
  • Be able to demonstrate individual live skill in connection to human relationship;
  • Be able to demonstrate attitude, behavior and way of thinking which support their success in society.

Subject Composition:

Type of Subject Credit Hours (SKS) Percentage
Compulsory Subjects 8 16
Research 40 84
Total 48 100%
Total Credit Hours to Graduate   48 sks


Main Courses

  • Advanced Research Method
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
  • Special Subject I
  • Special Subject II
  • Qualification Examination
  • Publication – International Conference
  • Research Result Examination
  • Publication – International Journal
  • Promotion Examination
  • Current Doctoral Research

    Rini Suryantini

    Food-based Architecture

    Resza Riskiyanto

    Tectonic Dialogues of Locality Based Architectural Design


    The Impacts of COVID 19 Pandemic: Physical Distancing Restrictions and Public Open Space Uses in Jakarta

    Arnis Rochma Harani

    The Interiority of Urban Kitchen: A Quest of Micro Spatial Practices in Everydayness

    Nurrul Helen

    The Concept of Smart and Resilient City in Informal Settlements

    Erza Rahma Hajaty

    Neighborhood and Imaginary Interaction Space

    Completed Doctoral Thesis

    Achmad Hery Fuad

    Nesting as Urban Spatial Structure in Urban Picnic

    Euis Puspitadewi

    Architecture and Discourse of Clean and Dirt: Politic of Space in The Transformation of Canals in Colonial Batavia

    Ferro Yudistira

    Ephemeral Architecture: The Phenomenon of In-Compatibility between Built Environment and Space

    Reny Syafriny

    Unbalanced Distribution of Spatial Resources: Marginalization of Traditional Fishermen in Urban Coastal Area Planning

    Samsu Hendra Siwi

    Boundaries and the Level of Privacy in Spatial Practices in Muslim Dwellings

    Toga H. Panjaitan

    Architecture of Traditional House of Ngadha Society and Its Transformation

    John Freddy Bobby Saragih

    Deconstruction of the Idea of Play and Its Spatial Implication

    Naniek Widayati

    Baluwerti to Free Village (Study of the Settlement of the Royal Servants and Royal Sentana in Kasunanan Surakarta)

    Susinety Prakoso

    Place Habit as the Phenomenon of Children’s Place Attachment

    Yuke Ardhiati

    The Stage of Indonesia: Khora Charm Works of “Architect” Soekarno in the 1960s